Book A Visit

Contact Mike to book a visit to your school or bookstore and delight you with tales of pirates and the sea!
Michael – or should I say Cap’n McNasty?? The kids are still talking about your visit – and so are the teachers! Cannot thank you enough for coming in and reading to our students. And don’t book next year until you leave a date for us again!
Jan FranceTeacher, Page Hilltop Elementary School, Ayer, MA
Hello Mike,
Such fun and learning went on in this library yesterday with you here to read and bring “Cap’n McNasty” to life. We all enjoyed it! Loved it! The school is a buzz with pirates today.
Margie Breslin Librarian, Mount Alvernia Academy
You were fantastic the other day! Thanks so much for coming in. Do you have an address to which I can send some cards from the kids?
Jane O’ConnorTeacher, St. Catherine’s Norwood
Carol Ruiter shared with me how wonderful it was to have you visit Matthew’s 2nd grade last week! Thank you so much for coming and sharing your book! The children were mesmerized! I heard all about it from one little boy today. I hope that you will consider coming next year! We would love to have you! Thank you so much for sharing your great talent with us.
Linda WhitneyPrincipal
, Wampatuck Elementary School
, Scituate, MA
Mike, The kids are still talking about your visit! You set a great example for the students when you discussed the importance of reading and imagination during your presentation, and the Q & A session was a fantastic opportunity for the students to engage with you – ya really “hooked” ‘em! Your author visit was one of the most engaging, charismatic, and motivational events we’ve hosted. Everyone is hoping for a sequel!
Kelsey HolbrookTeacher/Assistant Principal, Memorial Park Elementary, Rockland, MA
Dear Michael, I wanted to thank you for an outstanding visit to the Duxbury library last Thursday. Everything about your visit was absolute perfection. Your entrance got the audience’s attention and your questioning about books, reading, and their brain was right on target. “The Great Pirate Christmas Battle” succeeds on many levels and shows your insight into what makes a fun family read. You have a wonderful presence and your love of children and what you do is very evident. I have had not-so-good experiences with authors who have self-promoted, but you are the rare exception. I am so happy you chose to come to the library and that I was there to meet you. Lucky for us! Please keep a place for us on your calendar when your next book is released. I’m sure it will be as fabulous as Cap’n McNasty!
Nancy DenmanHead of Children's Services, Duxbury Free Library
Hello Michael,
The staff here were super impressed with you!
I understand you have another book coming out. If so, we’d love to have you for another book signing/storytime. Keep us posted please. Also, plan to contact us in September if you want to do another storytime/book signing of “The Great Pirate Christmas Battle”.
Paula JainetCommunity Business Development Manager
, Barnes & Noble,
Burlington, MA