New! From Michael Lewis Children’s Books:
Fight Like a Girl
Women have been successfully fighting in combat roles since the beginning of time. During Michael G. Lewis’s research, he discovered women warriors in nearly every century, country, and culture. Their differences are many—some were queens, some peasants, some fought for country, others for religion, while others were motivated by blind loyalty, bloodlust, fame, revenge, and even plain old fashioned greed. Yes, their differences are many, but they are more defined by striking similarities—all were smart, stubborn, almost supernaturally brave, and extraordinary. Their stories are inspiring but also chilling. Their exploits tragic, triumphant, awe inspiring, and even humorous. But their stories are unknown. These women warriors—these “Band of Sisters,” as it were—had far reaching effects on the entire world, and their stories deserve to be told.
Illustrated by Hila Ronis (25 watercolor illustrations depicting each female warrior within)
release date: January 15, 2022

Boston Globe Review: “In lively prose, and beautifully illustrated by Hila Ronis, Lewis shows the courage, resourcefulness, and leadership of these remarkable women.”

About Cap'n ARRR McNasty
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: A LOT.
Occupation: Yes, I’ve occupied a lot of ships – most of them not mine!
Favorite color: Gold, of course!
Hobbies: I’d rather not say!
Cap’n Arnold Robert Ryan Rolf McNasty (or ARRR McNasty for short), was born under dubious circumstances in the Turks and Caicos Islands. His father was rumored to be a pickpocket who fell in love with a woman he found picking his own pocket. After stealing his heart – along with his watch – they were soon wed. For their honeymoon, they stowed away on a banana boat and six months later their premature and colicky child, ARRR McNasty, was born. After the doctor snipped his mother’s umbilical cord, McNasty grabbed the scalpel and promptly relieved the doctor of his wallet. The rest, as they say, is pirate history. Cap’n McNasty has sailed around the world on his beloved pirate ship The Knotty List, along with his crew of mischievous malcontents. Their adventures are many – and their stories sometimes true! If ya like laughin’, learnin’, and lookin’ fer loot, grab yer sea chest and hop aboard, mate!
The Pirate Series

About Michael Lewis
Mike grew up in Dedham, MA, and attended Bishop’s University in Quebec, as well as the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Lewis was playwright-in-residence at the Los Feliz Playhouse in Los Angeles and had a number of works produced and favorably reviewed by the Los Angeles Times, the LA Weekly, The Boston Globe, and others. He also wrote, produced, and acted in Getting Personal, an independent feature film that has aired on Showtime, Cinemax, and the Lifetime Channel.